From all online offers of second hand box trucks you can find on line this probably is the best place to find what you are looking for. All Open box truck offers online have been technically checked and carefully inspected before priced and placed online. Here you can find for instance a Truck with livestock box or a 3500 kilos truck with open box.
Whatever truck with box you are looking for, it is probably here for you to find. If it may be the case you cannot find the truck you have in mind between all the Second hand box trucks we have today. Than pick up the phone of give is a mail because every week we add around 150 to 200 new truck offers online and there is more coming in on a daily basis. From Europe yearly more than 3600 people are buying or leasing their new asset, like a Truck with box, to their business and they are very satisfied. We are awarded with a 9.1 on Trustpilot. Read at Trustpilot why they are satisfied and why you will be as well when doing business with Kleyn. So lease, purchase or sell your used Open box truck at the better and most trusted truck trader online.